I had laid Collin down for a nap and went in the kitchen to bake or clean up or something useful like that and Byron was playing in the living room. When Collin woke up he seemed happy so I didn't bother him in an effort to complete the task at hand. He talked and rolled and cooed, so I knew he was ok. Then he stopped and I figured (wishful thinking) that he probably went back to sleep. But then I heard some rather strange noises, so I went to check it out. This is what I found.....

This is what drew him to it on the dresser next to the bed.
The boy could probably take a tractor apart and put it back together even at this young age if given the chance.

Some mothers could probably begin a freak out session if they found one child straddling another's head in a situation like this, but Byron has ALWAYS watched out for Collin. I hope this continues as the years progress....

I HAD to take this picture. I love, love, LOVE the look on Collin's face. " Are you really sitting in MY bed? Playing with MY toys? Does Mom know about this?!?!"

And here is what happened when all the playtime was over. I laid down with them and snuggled until time to go pick up Abby from school. It is shame she didn't get to join us for this. Oh well. She probably wouldn't have slept anyway.....
Lots, lots, LOTS more has happened this week! Check back later for more interesting tales in the life of the Tates! (Lord willing) Until next time.....
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