Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This is what happens when Abby gets hold of the camera....

If I ever happen to leave my camera laying around, which I do too often for my husband ("Put things back where they go!" The precious guy can never find things in the same place twice. Thanks for still loving me in spite of this flaw, Babydoll.), Abby will sneak off with it and take as many as 50 pictures of just about anything....herself, her brothers, her feet, their feet, the ceiling, the wall, the door, up someone's nose, in someone's mouth, etc. It is interesting at times to go through the camera and see what ends up on there. Subconciously, I may do it on purpose at times. This time she did a super good job of getting some priceless pictures. As for the 10 or so of someone's foot (or other gross parts), thank goodness for digital cameras and the erase feature....

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