This is the best family picture that was taken. Still not perfect, but I am determined to take more of the whole family!

Collin and the bunny ears!

Byron had a happy bunny and a sad bunny. Apparently, they lived in different parts of the living room!

Collin was playing with our nephew, Carlton. It was SO cute I just had to get in on film!

Abby, less than thrilled with the picture opportunity...

Collin has been taught so much not to pick up things off the ground, he almost wouldn't even touch it! He would see something and just stand there bent over looking at it! So funny!

Byron, on the other hand, had absolutely no problem picking up any and everything he saw!

The good pictures are hard to come by...

...but we got one anyway!

Caroline and the boys

My precious Abby

Special bond


Not shy for the cameras!

As I have stated before, the 3 MOST beautiful children on the planet!
The kids looked soooo cute in their outfits Sunday. Abby's hair was precious. She looked almost like a teenager. (sorry, I know you didn't want to hear that).
P.S. I love me some of those flip flops like Byron has on. Now that's a fashion statement.
That last picture is SO cute! I love Collin Mac's huge smile.
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