Monday, October 10, 2011

Just a typical day

These are in absolutely no order.  Just thought I would share some everyday life...

Good night kisses

Love of my life

We built some fences last week. :)

Had a few makeovers...

Might not have been incredibly happy about it...

But got to be a little more grown up...

The fences aren't always for the animals.  Well, not the four-legged ones....

I know... super boring....but its my life and I LOVE it!!!!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Like Father, Like Son

There are some traits in your children that you just can't fight...

There is a farmer down the road who lines up his tractors and equipment.  Every time we drive by, Byron says, "Dad needs to line up his tractors like that."

We recently had to upgrade our tractor storage, so we got a bigger bucket.  Byron was very upset with me for just dumping them all in at once and not lining them up properly in the bottom.  When he finally decided he would let me win that one, he just messed them all up together.  I love that kid! :)

Friday, August 12, 2011


I'm not entirely sure, but I think he may have found the chocolate....

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My boys

Byron.  Oh, my sweet Byron.  He is so cute.  He has this amazing belly laugh.  He melts my heart with his smile.  He is so frustratingly like his daddy that it makes me crazy sometimes.  But it is often very much heartwarming....

Here's an example:

 What better way to spend your evening than helping Dad weld in the barn.  Doesn't even matter that it is 800 degrees outside.... 
And please notice the clothing similarities :)

How could you not love that face? 
He has a shirt that says, "I only look sweet & innocent."  Accurate???



Doing it on his own!!!!

And then there is my precious Mac.  He only looks sweet & innocent too. 
No really. 
What would my life be without these two? 
I don't even want to think about it.....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Update--Short version :)

So I haven't blogged since April.  I got into some serious trouble for downloading too many pictures onto my computer.  Really, though.  How was I suppose to know that you couldn't put 800 of the highest quality pictures and videos plus a couple of iTunes movies on one very old computer??? :)  Luckily, I have been forgiven and all has been fixed by my once-again savior husband. <3

So, I am just going to post the best pictures I have of these months with a few descriptions.

Caught Byron untying a "fishing line" from the kitchen chair one day...
 Can't imagine where he learned that from.... <3
LOVE the look on his face :)

My VERY amazing artist friend, Steve Drew, who painted the amazing portrait of my Papa reading his bible that now hangs in my living room. 

Have I said "thank you" yet, Steve?  :)

(Little known fact:  I was there the day my Aunt Dana took the picture from which this portrait was painted.  He was reading his bible in the gameroom in front of the glass door when she whipped out her camera.  I'm not sure he even knew she took this.  But this did happen to be the very last day that I ever saw him alive.)

Just a cute family moment I thought I'd share.  Kevin often preaches that he was NEVER allowed in his parents' bedroom.  Can't think of why I would miss a moment like this....<3

Kevin & Mini Me #1
(Incidentally, all of our kids have their very own welding caps now.)

Poor kid doesn't look anything like his dad...

PawPaw's 71st Birthday!!!!  He seems happy about it.

He & the last 3 "grands"

Always a hit--The Incy Wincy Spider

Caroline got to join us for lunch the day after the birthday.  LOVE HER!!!

Our ever-so-well-behaved children

LOVE that kid!

They learned their behavior from Aunt Janna <3

I have no description for this.

My kids LOVE babies!  This happens to be a dear friend's baby at church. 
He's SO cute!

Replacing the pool liner starting at 2 in the afternoon when the temperature reached about 347 degrees....
The guys are ALWAYS working. 

But it's more fun to play IN the water!

Sweet face!

Joys of childhoood

This is what all work and no play gets you.  :)  But I love him SO much!  He is so giving to our family.  (He was just kidding anyway.  He smiled as soon as this was taken.)

The rugrats

And apparently, even getting IN the water gets you put to work sometimes.  Oh well!  Glad to have been able to help.

Byron's 5th Birthday!

On the way to Abilene for pizza & Cars 2!!!

The Birthday BOY! 
Aunt Janna & Caroline made the awesome hat!!!

Complete with Twizzler candles on top!  So creative! As always...

Generation 3b & 3c
Waiting for the movie to start!  I got to sit there with them for about 12 1/2 minutes before they had enough and we went to play on the mall playground while the rest finished up the movie.  :(  Oh well.  It will be more fun to watch at home when it comes out on video.

My big boy in his awesome new blue boots!

Generations 1 & 2

Generations 1 & 3 :)
After that, I wasn't allowed to take anymore pictures in the movie theater.  Kevin got upset with me.  But I guess he got me to quit before we were all kicked out!

Well, that has been the highlights of our lives since April!  Hope you enjoyed!!!